Nov 22, 2011


A song inspired by this week of Thanksgiving and by the book One Thousand Gifts written by 
Ann Voskamp:

I’m grateful for the gentle rain 
That falls to earth from Heaven’s hand
And satisfies this dry and weary land 

I’m thankful for the peaceful winds 
That whisper in the trees above
And echo softly tender words of love

Oh my God…….so grateful for Your love

I’m grateful for my family
Who fill my life with joyful song
Make me laugh, still love me when I’m wrong

I’m thankful for such faithful friends 
Who stand by me through every trial
Share my burden and walk the extra mile 

Oh my God…….so grateful for Your love

I’m grateful for these painful wounds
That pierced my soul and humbled me
Caused my heart to dwell in love and mercy 

I’m thankful for the silent tears
The sleepless nights I cried alone
The hunger deep inside that led me home

Oh my God…….so grateful for Your love
Oh my King…….so grateful for Your love

I’m grateful for the sun-swept skies
That illuminates with clouds of fire
Filling me with wonder and desire

I’m thankful for Your quiet ways 
that still my heart with unseen grace
Calling me to live in Your embrace 

Oh my God…….so grateful for Your love
Oh my King…….so grateful for Your love

Open my eyes, let my heart see
Your loving-kindness all around me 

Oh my God…….so grateful for Your love

(Copyright 2011 Karen J Stevenson)

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