Feb 14, 2011

One Day

One day, my friend
We will walk hand in hand
And forget the days lost in pain
When we could not see God’s plan

One day, my friend
Just around the bend
The tender seeds of yesterday
Will soon blossom in His hand

For on that day we shall overcome
By His Spirit and by His blood
And we shall laugh and sing
We shall rise above
To tell the stories of His Love
On that day......

One day my friend,
Pain and sorrow and sin
Will be wiped away before our eyes
And scattered to the wind

One day my friend
The streams of life within
Will carry us to that place of joy
We so long for in the end

For on that day we shall overcome
By His Spirit and by His blood
And we shall laugh and sing
We shall rise above
To shout the praises of His Love
On that day.....

One day my friend
It will all make perfect sense
How every tear in Heaven’s light
will quickly heal and mend

One day my friend
We’ll forget all that's been
And with wings unfurled we’ll touch the sky.....

(Copyright 2011 Karen J Stevenson)


  1. I had already been working on this song the other day when I got a very sad message from a friend who had just lost a loved one. I couldn't help but wonder at how often our spirits are unknowingly moved by the grief of others. Somewhere in this world a heart is broken over the death of a loved one or the loss of a relationship. There were a lot of tears in writing this because I think God's heart is grieved too. And yet we can take comfort in knowing that death is not the end of the story and even if our questions are not answered here on earth, we will one day understand and see the beauty behind the trajedy and loss.

  2. This is very beautiful and heartfelt, Karen. Your "blog" spots will mean more to people than you now realize. What is born in the heart, then carried from the heart...touches the heart. Blessings, Chloe
