Mar 13, 2011

Your Love

When friends have turned away
And washed their hands of me
They spoke about your love
So convincingly
But where are they now?

So many have come and gone
Who promised to always stay
Like drifting clouds move on
In the wind and rain
Leaving fear and doubt

But Your love, never letting go
When I wander recklessly
And Your love, never turning cold
When the pain is all I see
Your love reaches to my soul
Calling forth the Truth
of who I am and will be
In Your love

I do not understand it
Maybe one day I will
How Your love never changes
Every time I fall, every time I fail

You are a constant presence
My heart will rest secure
When others turn against me
You are standing firm
I can trust in Your word

For Your love, never letting go
When I wander recklessly
And Your love, never turning cold
When the pain is all I see
Your love reaches to my soul
Calling forth the Truth
of who I am and will be
In Your love

( Copyright 2011 Karen J Stevenson )

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