May 3, 2012

Faithful in the Little Things....

I was thinking this morning about the whole idea of being faithful in the little things.  I have been struggling a lot lately with a sense of listlessness and wondering what the heck is going on with my life.  Between this unpredictable health condition and my resulting joblessness, the days are sometimes long and filled with a nagging sense of purposelessness.  I don't understand the ways of God and this season of learning to rest and lean into Him.  Some days a re peaceful and yet I sometimes feel as though I am missing something, that somehow I missed the train that was supposed to take me to the right destination; the one where I know I'm on the right track and can joyfully enjoy the journey. No big projects to attend to, just learning about simple things like hearing God's voice in the little things.

Last week I wrote a song about missing a loved one - in particular, my mom, who passed away almost 26 years ago.  Although the song is inspired by this relationship, I believe it can apply to many situations including when a loved one has moved on or moved away.  I think the premise has more to do with living in hope of reunion, yet acknowledging the pain of the process, of missing someone who had such a deep place in your heart. I wasn't necessarily feeling the emotions of loss, but for some reason the lyrics just poured out like water.

So what does this have to do with being faithful in the little thing?  Well, like I said, I had written that song last week, and like many of them, I never quite know why they bubble up and take form.  I cannot seem to control those moments of inspiration; like the wind, they come and go as they please.  But as in times past, God always has a reason, and often it is a response to someone out there who is hurting and needs a word of hope.  This week I learned that a friend had just lost her mother - and this on the heels of losing a niece and a father several years prior.  She posted a comment on Facebook about her mother's illness and how much she will be missed. The name of the song I wrote is entitled, "God I Miss You".

As I said, I have been struggling in this wilderness season, but when I saw my friend's post, I knew it was a reminder not only that God speaks to me, but that He wants to use me to bless and encourage others.  But the key is being faithful to hear His still small voice and be willing to do the little things - even if it is very humbling.  I am a songwriter - not a singer - and recording these songs has been interesting to say the least.  This season has left me broke, so I record from home on an old laptop that someone gave me.  It's pretty embarrassing to allow people to hear my lame attempt at all of the above....the product is not pretty.  Of course I would much prefer to put myself out there after doing a professional recording with gifted singers.  But......the timing would be missed.

So all that to say, there are times when God calls us to humble ourselves and step out into unfamiliar waters with the gifts He has given us.  And though the offering may be small and "not so pretty", what is more important is that we obey the promptings of His Spirit - regardless of whether we understand.  It's the ripple effect of a small pebble in a large body of water.  We never know how these random acts of kindness can fan out to deeper waters and to the lives of people we may never meet.

I needed that reminder today.  I do not understand this season, but moments like these help me to remember that God has a purpose in everything.  And that He is faithful to fulfill the plans He has for me - even when I feel like a slug.  I may feel like that - but He sees the end result, and desires the process to be a step-by-step journey filled with these random moments of revelation when we realize that God truly cares about the little things.

Never despise small beginnings........

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